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Truth. Mom life edition.

Thursday night is breakfast for dinner. Sometimes it is frozen waffle. More often it is waffles or pancakes made from scratch and to order. And other times it is a couch picnic with their snack baskets.

This was one of those times. I was used up. But I still needed to feed my children. So it was snack baskets, couch picnic and movie night. And a really delish beer for me.

I felt awful. Guilty. Like I had failed them. The kids? They friggin loved it. The pb&j tortillas were a hit. The individual baskets? Made them happy. Movie theater atmosphere? Three smiling kids. It's all about perspective.

Momma, we are so many things to so many people. We wear so many hats on the daily that we could not fit them on a resume. We don't need to do it all. It doesn't need to be all organic, instagram-able, bento box meals. It's ok to take a moment, set up a couch picnic and sit in the kitchen alone and breathe for a minute.

We are so many things to so many people. Sometimes we forget to show up for ourselves first. This is what showing up for myself looked like that night. I was a better mom for it ten minutes later. And my kids? They have asked for that meal multiple times since. I'll take the W.

Also, I didn't want to post this pic. My counter is a mess. It isn't the stylized pic you would see on a real bloggers ig. But that's not me. This was my counter. In this moment of in-the-trenches parenting. Frankly, it is shockingly clean. And I even see some fruit. Yessssss!

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